Montreal, 1 September 2023


Dear ADO ABP Users

Following the launch of the new ABP Next Gen Module in ADAMS on 22 August 2023, we wish to provide ADO users with an update of fixes that have been recently put into place and of known issues that are currently being worked on.
Regarding issues that have been already fixed, please note the following:

  • The “Reports Submitted” tab of the ADO Dashboard initially contained many passports with older APMU reports. This has now been fixed and only passports associated with APMU reports submitted since the launch date should be found here.
  • A date filter has now been added to the “Reports Submitted” tab, which allows users to select a date from which they wish to identify passports with new APMU reports. It is kindly reminded that a Passport Custodian report needs to be submitted to make passports disappear from the “Reports Submitted” tab.
  • As part of the import and dashboard cleaning process, it was necessary to create some automated APMU reports for some passports. The result is that users will see blank APMUs reports submitted by “MxAdmin” dated 22 or 23 August 2023. These can be ignored.
  • An issue was identified causing the generation of sequence ATPFs when passports contained only hemodiluted samples. This has now been fixed, where no sequence probability is calculated in such cases. Instead, the sequence is displayed as “N/A”.
  • Initially many APMU reports were assigned the incorrect date of August 22/23. This issue has now been resolved.

In addition to the known issues provided in the Release Notes, please note the following issues that are currently being worked on:

  • There are APMU/Expert reports that are not being displayed in Next Gen ABP. We are urgently developing a fix for this issue.
  • The “Follow Up” tab in the ADO dashboard contains many older passports. A fix is being developed to clean this tab. The filters “Passport status” can be used in the meantime to identify atypical passports.
  • A search field by “sample code” is being developed for the “Passport Search” tab. (Please note that the search field in classic ADAMS can be used to identify BPIDs associated with a given sample code, and this BPID can then be used to search for the associated passport in Next Gen ABP.)

We thank you for your patience and collaboration during this transition to the Next Gen ABP environment.

Best Regards,
Your ADAMS team.


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