RE: Update on Next Gen ABP features for Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs)
Dear ADO ADAMS Users,
Please take note of the following updates and reminders regarding the new Next Gen ABP module launched on 22 August 2023:
- ADO administrators can now select “sport” and “discipline” filters when creating athlete groups.
- The transfer of all APMU and Expert reports from classic ADAMS to Next Gen ABP has now been completed, so users should no longer encounter missing reports.
- Many users have encountered issues with their account setup resulting in no passports being accessible and/or shared passports from other organizations not being visible. In these situations, please follow the steps outlined in the communication from 17 August 2023 ((Update) Getting ready for the launch of the Next Gen ABP Module : configuration needed in ADAMS - 17AUG2023), namely:
- In order to provide passport access to users within your organization, please follow the steps to create athlete groups and then configure ABP users access to these groups.
- For the setup of DTPs and Passport Sharing with other ADOs, please create Next Gen DTP contracts or ADO sharing agreements.
- Please note that transfers of Passport Custody are now only updated in ADAMS once a day, so may not be immediately visible to users.
We continue to work on several additional known issues and we thank you for your patience and collaboration during this transition to the Next Gen ABP environment.
Best regards,
Your ADAMS Team