The Next Gen Athlete Biological Passport module was released on 22 August 2023 and is accessible to Anti-Doping Organizations and their Delegated Third-Party organization for ABP, Athlete Passport Management Unit users via the following link:

  • The launch of the Endocrine Module and of new steroid markers measured in blood (serum) samples as part of the Steroid Module; and
  • The launch of the Next Gen ABP Module ADAMS.  
  • The ABP dashboard will replace the current notification system in ADAMS
  • the legacy version of the ABP module is no longer be available to our users, as the two versions cannot co-exist in ADAMS; 
  • WADA-accredited Laboratories can upload data for samples analyzed for the Endocrine Module and/or the new blood steroid markers.  

You can access to the ABP user guides in the following link:



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