Dear ADAMS users,
Yesterday, 27 November 2023, a new version of Next Gen ABP was deployed that included the resolution of the issue whereby some passports were not appearing in the APMU dashboard, despite new samples being matched or samples being updated. The issue was related to passports that were updated during the review process (i.e ongoing expert or APMU reports being drafted when a Doping Control Form (DCF) or Lab Result was entered or updated).
Since the deployment:
- The passports previously impacted by the bug are now displayed in the APMU dashboard, based on the resulting passport status (in New High Priority, New Other Passports, and IRMS-SSP-CPR tabs).
- Passports affected by this issue where a new APMU report is submitted are considered as reviewed, transitioned from the dashboard, and are available in the tab “Passport Search”.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that any changes made to already matched DCF or Lab Result will trigger a passport recalculation causing the passport to be displayed in its corresponding tab. This is an intended behavior to allow the review of updated information that may be relevant to the assessment of the passport. Nevertheless, we are currently working to review the list of passport recalculation triggers, to ensure that some non-pertinent updates (on DCF or Lab result) will not impact the dashboard in the coming releases.
We will keep you informed on any updates regarding those matters and any upcoming changes.
Other key ABP-related fixes from the last week include:
- APMU passport search functionality has been improved
- UI improvement: the APMU and Expert report sections now remain in place
- Date and time in the DCF are displayed in local time (not in UTC as they were temporarily). Users are recommended to verify documentation containing time of day that was produced since the launch of the ABP to ensure the time of day is displayed as intended.
Upcoming fixes:
- Additional ADO dashboard search performance improvements
- Search: add a progress bar to show the ongoing search
- ADO “All Athletes” groups automatic update feature
- Access for Passport Custodian to retired passports following a passport reset.
- Refresh button placement on the passport page
- For APMU users, possibility to skip a non-mandatory review.
We thank you for your patience and collaboration.
Best regards,
Your ADAMS team.