Dear APMU ADAMS Users,
We thank the many of you who have provided feedback on Next Gen ABP in ADAMS based on your daily activities as APMUs.
We understand that the current functionality of the ABP dashboard in particular is providing a confusing experience that does not fully support your daily activities. As a result, we are developing a resolution to these difficulties and will have an update for you in the near future.
Passports are currently re-appearing in your dashboards because the system has determined that they have been sufficiently altered to warrant a recalculation. It is the completion of this recalculation that then causes a Passport to be displayed in your dashboard.
Following discussions with the ABP team, we have undertaken the process of identifying all criteria in ADAMS that trigger a Passport recalculation in order to identify and implement changes that will ensure that a recalculation, and by extension entry into the corresponding dashboard tabs, occurs only when absolutely necessary. In addition, we will be fortifying the information that is presented in the Activity Log at the bottom of the Passport page so that you will be able to more easily identify what changed in the Passport, causing it to be brought to your attention in the dashboard.
We thank you in advance for your patience as we work towards providing you with the tools you need to work effectively.
The ADAMS Dev Team