A/- The APMU Dashboard
The new APMU dashboard was designed based on the feedback received from several users of the Athlete Biological Passport module in ADAMS Next Gen. It has been optimized to cater to various APMU workflows and to solve some issues related to the current Dashboard functionalities while maintaining the initial collaborative features.
The new APMU dashboard is organized into four main sections:
Section1: To review
The section includes passports that require a review following a passport modification that happened since the last APMU report submission i.e.: newly matched sample, change of sample validity or temp logger related information … It allows users to quickly find and access updated passports accessible to the user with preset filters:
- New High Priority: Passports with a status updated to “Atypical”
- New Flagged: Passports with a status updated to “Flagged”
- New Normal: Passports with a status updated to “Normal”
- New SSP-CPR: Passports with sample(s) that either trigger a SSP-CPR or with samples for which the steroid profile was confirmed after a SSP-CPR. .
- New ATPF-CPR: lists the newly updated passports with a new ATPF-CPR related to the last matched urine sample of the passport or with a sample that has been confirmed for the steroid profile after an ATPF-CPR flag.
- New IRMS: list the newly updated passports for which a lab result has been updated with GC-C-IRMS data.
When an APMU report is submitted for a passport listed though use of the preset filters, the passport will be removed from the “To review” lists, but it will still be possible to access the passport using the BPID in the search filter
Section 2: Reviewing
Includes passports that are:
- Assigned to experts for review and are pending the expert opinion submission (“under review”): in this section, users will be able to see the list of passports that are assigned to experts and pending opinion submission for at least one expert. Note that if several Experts have been assigned to a passport, it will remain in this section until all Experts have submitted their opinion.
- Lists passports with at least one expert opinion submission (with new expert reports):users will have the possibility to list all passports for which all assigned experts have submitted their opinion.
Section 3: Passport search
Passports can be found using one or more filters:
- Sample code (free text)
- Favorite (toggle bar right or left)
- Using the table’s filtering options to refine search.
Section 4: List of Passports
By default, when no pre-set filter is applied (ex. by clicking “Reset All Filters”), all passports the user has access to will be displayed. As an example, if the APMU organization has an agreement with ADO1, ADO2, ADO3 and ADO4, all passports from these four ADOs will be accessible in the list of passports.
In addition, to complement the sections “To Review” and “Reviewing”, users can, within the list of passports, filter using the table column headers and add additional fields to be displayed.
The available columns are:
- BP#: BPID. Please note that BPID is a hyperlink allowing users to access the passport page.
- Abnormalities (Primary and/or secondary markers that triggered the abnormalities)
- Last Sample: refers to last modified sample of the passport
- Custodian: the passport custodian
- Tags: tags names can be used to filter passports to be displayed. Please refer to the list of tags that was provided before the launch of ADAMS Next Gen in August 2023.
- Activity: last activity as described in the log activity of the passports (Passport updated, Expert opinion submitted, etc.)
And the following dropdown filters:
- Type: ABP module of the passports (Hematological, Steroidal or Endocrine)
- Status: refers to Passport status as defined by the adaptive model (Atypical, Flagged or Normal)
- S.Type: refers to which type of samples are included in the passport (Urine, Blood or Blood Passport)
- Matched: to filter on the latest sample matched [BN3] date
- SSP-CPR: the value “Yes” indicates that a SSP-CPR has been detected for a sample within the passport or that a sample has been confirmed for the steroid profile following a SSP-CPR and an APMU review is pending.
- ATPF-CPR: If the value is “Yes,” it means that either an ATPF-CPR has been sent to the analyzing laboratory for a sample within the passport, or a sample has been confirmed for the steroid profile following an ATPF-CPR, and an APMU review is still pending.
- IRMS: the value “Yes” indicates whether a lab result has been updated with GC-C-IRMS data and APMU review is pending.
- Last Report: date of the last APMU report submitted.
- Reviewed: indicates whether a passport has been reviewed by the APMU since the last passport recalculation.
- Under Review: the value “Yes” indicates if a passport is assigned to at least one expert and pending for their opinion.
- Assigned: indicates the number of experts assigned to the passport.
- Opinion: indicates “Yes” or “No” to show if at least one expert opinion has been submitted since the last APMU report.
- Submitted: Number of expert opinions submitted considering the number of experts that have been assigned to the passport. For example, if 3 experts have been assigned and only 2 have submitted their opinion, “2” will be displayed.
- Last Activity: shows the date of the last activity recorded in the log activity of the passport, and hovering over the date will display the description.
- Late match: Indicates 'Yes' or 'No' to show if there is a late match[RA6] (when the match occurs 50 days following the sample collection date).
being reviewed by another member of the APMU | |
being reviewed by you | |
indicates if new documents are attached to the passport | |
to mark or unmark a passport as a favorite | |
New message received for the passport |
Section 5: the passport summary panel
This panel opens when clicking on a line in the passport table and provides a summary of the passports’ recent updates. It is organized into three sub-sections, with information displayed in reverse chronological order.
- Details: allows the user to access the passport page
- Samples: the list of matched samples, with indicators such as:
- New: newly matched samples with no associated submitted APMU Report
- SSP-CPR detected: SSP in red rectangle
- SSP-CPR confirmed: SSP in red rectangle with a green checked mark
- ATPF-CPR detected: ATPF in red rectangle
- ATPF-CPR confirmed: ATPF in red rectangle with a green checked mark
- IRMS data available: IRMS in red rectangle
- Recent Activities: This section shows a list of passport-related activities (such as sample additions, APMU report submissions, and changes in sample validity) in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent.
- Reports: the list of APMU reports with associated experts reports
B/- New Dashboard settings
1. Column Selection: Users can add or remove columns in the table using the column selector. The chosen columns and their sorting order are saved to your user preferences, so the dashboard will automatically display according to your settings the next time you log in.
2. Sorting: it is possible to sort columns in ascending or descending manner. The sorting will be also saved in the user preferences.
3. Column resizing enlarge/ reduce the column width using the separator
4. Reset columns: reset the default columns display
5. Reset filters: to remove applied filters
6. Font size: using your browser settings, you can zoom in/zoom out the screen to increase/reduce the font size.
7. Display old/new dashboard: Users can switch between the new and old dashboards at any time. Both dashboards are kept in sync, so changes made in one will be reflected in the other.
8. Refresh the dashboard: After completing certain activities, such as submitting the APMU report, users can click the 'Refresh' button to update the list of passports.
C/- Scenario to illustrate how the new dashboard works.
Scenario: A new sample is matched for passport with BPID: dktmtanwl and the passport status is Atypical.
The passport will be listed in the “New High Priority” section.
As we can see, from the table:
- Sample type: Blood Passport
- Matched date: 13 May 2024
- No SSP, IRMS or ATPF CPR detected or confirmed for the sample as these fields are specific to urine samples included in a steroidal passport.
- The column “Assigned” is “0” which means that there is currently no expert assigned.
Step1: after assigning 2 experts
- The passport is visible in the list of passports pending expert review in the section “Under review” tab.
- The column “Assigned” value is now “2” as we have assigned to 2 experts.
- “Submitted” is still”0” as no experts reports are submitted.
- Last activity corresponds to “Expert Assigned”.
Step 2: after one expert has submitted its opinion
Expert 1 has submitted an expert report, hence:
- “Submitted” is now set to “1”.
- Last activity on the passport is “Expert report”. We can also notice that the number of “New expert reports” has increased to 17.
Step3: after the second expert has submitted its opinion
The second expert report is now submitted and, in the screenshot below, we can see:
- The passport is now listed in the “X passports with new Experts reports” section.
- Assigned: still “2” as the number of assigned experts has not changed
- Opinion: “Yes” because there is a new expert opinion submitted
- Submitted: “2” because there are now 2 new experts reports submitted.
Step 4: APMU report submitted
Following the expert reviews, the APMU submits an APMU report. This will remove the passport from the sections “Reviewing”.