*Tutorial video is available here.
- Log into ADAMS as a business user
- Select Reports from the main menu.
- Scroll down the list of reports to Whereabouts Submission Report and select.
- In the ‘Desired Columns’ section, select the required fields you wish to include in your report.
- Click ‘Select’ to open the menu of available fields to include.
- To add a required field, select the item and click add. It will then appear in the selected items box.
- Once all your required fields have been selected for the report, click save.
- Change the format of the report to Comma separated Values.
- Scroll down to the Application Date field and enter the dates, from and to, that you wish your report to include.
- You can customize your report by filtering certain fields. In this example, the ‘Custodian Organization’ has been filtered to only include a particular NADO.
- Give your report a title to save it for the future. Click ‘save as’.
- Click ‘Unlimited report’
- Click ‘view report’ and ‘go to my reports’ to download your report.