*Tutorial video is available here.

  1. Log into ADAMS as a business user
  2. Select Reports from the main menu.
  3. Scroll down the list of reports to Whereabouts Submission Report and select.
  4. In the ‘Desired Columns’ section, select the required fields you wish to include in your report.
    1. Click ‘Select’ to open the menu of available fields to include.
    2. To add a required field, select the item and click add. It will then appear in the selected items box.
    3. Once all your required fields have been selected for the report, click save.
  5. Change the format of the report to Comma separated Values.
  6. Scroll down to the Application Date field and enter the dates, from and to, that you wish your report to include.
  7. You can customize your report by filtering certain fields. In this example, the ‘Custodian Organization’ has been filtered to only include a particular NADO.
  8. Give your report a title to save it for the future. Click ‘save as’.
  9. Click ‘Unlimited report’
  10. Click ‘view report’ and ‘go to my reports’ to download your report.
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