
Athletes and Support Personnel
Athletes that participate in organized sport are responsible for complying with anti-doping rules. Athlete support personnel includes anyone that assists athletes in preparing for and participating in sports competitions, including assisting them in complying with anti-doping rules. Examples include coaches, trainers, agents, or parents.
Sports Federations
Sports Federations are the governing bodies responsible for adopting and implementing anti-doping programs in specific sports. International Sports Federations (IFs) are signatories of the World Anti-Doping Code (Code) and a type of anti-doping organization (ADO). IFs sometimes work with national federations or continental associations to help coordinate their anti-doping programs. 
National and Regional Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs and RADOs)
NADOs are the primary authorities designated by each country to adopt and implement anti-doping programs at a national level. They are also signatories of the Code and another type of ADO. RADOs are regional entities designated by member NADOs to coordinate and manage certain areas of their national anti-doping programs.
Major Event Organizations
Major Event Organizations are continental associations of national Olympic committees and other multi-sports organizations that act as the ruling body of a sporting event. They are responsible for conducting anti-doping programs at these sporting events, are signatories to the Code, and are a type of ADO. 
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is tasked with leading a collaborative, worldwide movement for doping-free sport. Its specific roles include operating and managing ADAMS, monitoring compliance with the Code and the International Standards by signatories to the Code, and promoting and conducting anti-doping research and education. WADA is also an ADO.
Laboratories and APMUs
Laboratories are accredited or approved by WADA. They are engaged by ADOs to conduct independent analyses on samples collected for anti-doping purposes, and report these analysis results into ADAMS.  Athlete Passport Management Units, or APMUs, are special units created within accredited laboratories to manage Athlete Biological Passports in ADAMS on behalf of an ADO.
Other Parties
This category includes other entities or individuals authorized by an ADO to access ADAMS in order to conduct certain aspects of the ADO’s anti-doping program. Examples include private providers of anti-doping services, experts, doping control officers or other contractors.
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