Last updated: February 7, 2024

We’ve updated our privacy policy to make it easier to understand. We also updated the title and content to better explain how WADA uses personal information for anti-doping purposes in and out of ADAMS. Prior version.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA, we, us, our) leads a worldwide collaborative movement for doping-free sport. We are a private, not-for-profit foundation seated in Lausanne, Switzerland and headquartered in Montreal, Canada.

This Privacy Policy explains how WADA collects, uses, shares and manages your personal information in connection with the Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS) and our anti-doping activities.

ADAMS is a centralized, free platform WADA created and managed. It includes mobile applications like Athlete Central and DCO Central. ADAMS helps harmonize and coordinate anti-doping programs around the world. Anti-doping organizations, like your international federation and national anti-doping organization, also use it. 

This Privacy Policy will tell you about how WADA uses ADAMS and personal information in our anti-doping activities. If you want to know more about how other organizations use ADAMS and how ADAMS works, see ADAMS Privacy and Security FAQs.



Personal information is information that identifies you as an individual, for example, your name and address.

The types of personal information WADA holds about you will depend on the level you compete at as athlete and how anti-doping rules apply to you. For example, if you never tested positive for a prohibited substance, we will not have an ADRV case file about you.

WADA does not usually collect personal information directly from you. Anti-doping organizations (ADOs) are responsible for testing athletes, for deciding which athletes need to provide whereabouts, and for investigating anti-doping rule violations. ADOs are the ones that manage your ADAMS account, including your biological passport if you have one.

Once information is inputted into ADAMS by you or by your ADOs, WADA has access to it and uses it for the reasons described in this policy. This enables WADA to carry out its mission and supervise the global anti-doping program in an independent manner.

In this Policy, when we say Doping Control Data we mean Athlete Profile, Whereabouts, Testing, Therapeutic Use Exemption, Athlete Biological Passport, Results Management, and Intelligence and Investigations information. We describe each category below.

Picture1.png Athlete Profile

Information relating to your identity, for example:

  • ADAMS account username and password, if you have an account
  • name
  • nationality
  • date of birth
  • gender
  • sport and discipline you compete in

Picture9.svg Whereabouts

Information athletes provide about locations where they can be found for doping tests, for example:

  • addresses for regular activities like training, work or school
  • addresses for the location(s) where you will be available for testing during a daily one-hour time slot)
  • schedule and locations of your competitions
  • Technical Data about user activity in ADAMS

Picture6.png Testing

Information regarding scheduled and completed doping tests, for example:

  • doping control forms
  • type of test
  • sample code numbers
  • responses and information provided by you during a sample collection session
  • laboratory results from the analysis of your samples

Picture2.png Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)

Information and assessments about an athlete’s request for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE), for example: 

  • description of medical condition and treatment
  • diagnosis and assessment from a medical practitioner
  • decisions on the application
A TUE is needed if an athlete needs to treat a medical condition with a substance or method that is not normally allowed in sport.

Picture5.png Athlete Biological Passport (ABP)

Information and assessments related to an athlete’s biological passport (ABP), for example:

  • biological passport ID
  • blood and steroid biological marker values and ratios
  • expert recommendations and assessments
  • expert reports

Picture1.png Results Management

Information regarding anti-doping rule violations (ADRVs) for example:

  • ADRV details and comments
  • dates of any relevant provisional suspensions
  • whereabouts failures
  • athlete explanations
  • laboratory results and ABP information
  • sanctions
  • decisions
  • athlete education record
  • Technical Data about user activity in ADAMS

Picture11.png Intelligence and Investigations

Information about possible doping practices in sport or breaches of the World Anti-Doping Code (Code) or an International Standard, for example:

  • all types of Doping Control Data, on a case-by-case basis
  • information collected from other sources, like allegations and information provided through Speak Up, interviews, collaborations with law enforcement, or public sources
  • Technical Data about user activity in ADAMS

Picture3.png Technical Data

ADAMS also creates and stores Technical Data to work properly. Technical Data is information about user activity in ADAMS, for example:

  • the type of device and/or browser used to access ADAMS
  • the IP address from which ADAMS is accessed
  • information about actions taken in ADAMS, including date and time of access, page requests, crash reports, time spent, page speeds/resolution, page views, and changes to entries in ADAMS

At WADA, we use ADAMS and the personal information it contains for anti-doping purposes, as described in the Code and International Standards. This includes:

To Ensure Harmonized and Compliant Anti-Doping Processes

Reviewing TUE Decisions Made by ADOs

Description Main Types of Personal Information Used

WADA reviews decisions ADOs make about TUEs. WADA also has a right to appeal these decisions in certain cases.

WADA may send athlete TUE files to its TUE expert committee or to medical, scientific or legal experts for assessment. WADA or its experts could ask the requesting athlete to provide more information about their medical condition and the treatment plan for this condition.

Reviewing Results Management Decisions Made by ADOs

Description Main Types of Personal Information Used

WADA reviews decisions ADOs make about anti-doping rule violations (ADRVs). WADA also has a right to appeal these decisions. WADA may share case information with scientific or legal experts.

WADA accesses results management information in ADAMS. We also receive case information via direct communication from ADOs.

The types of Doping Control Data processed will depend on the type of ADRV. For example, a whereabouts failure case will involve whereabouts information and not laboratory results.

Monitoring ADO Anti-Doping Programs

Description Main Types of Personal Information Used

WADA reviews all aspects of ADO anti-doping activities to ensure compliance with the Code. This includes conducting compliance audits, continuous monitoring, and specific information requests. Audit teams include at least one external auditor.

The focus of this activity is ADO anti-doping programs, policies, and processes, not specific athletes. But it is possible we could access Doping Control Data about athletes during this work. For example, if we have questions about an ADO’s testing program, we could review doping control forms in ADAMS.

You can find out more about WADA’s ISO 9001:2015 certified compliance program here:

Monitoring the Athlete Biological Passport Program

Description Main Types of Personal Information Used

WADA monitors the work of athlete passport management units (APMUs). WADA approves APMUs. WADA also monitors ADOs to ensure they action APMU recommendations.

Limited whereabouts and TUE information is sometimes used to assess a passport. For example, training at different altitudes can have an impact on the biological markers measured in an athlete passport. A TUE can also explain variations in an athlete passport.

To Build Anti-Doping Capacity

Running Independent Observer Programs

Description Main Types of Personal Information Used

WADA observes and advises on anti-doping programs at major events. This is our Independent Observer (IO) program. IO teams include WADA staff and external experts. Most work involves observing doping controls and results management onsite. In other words, most work for this program does not involve a collection of personal information.

But, limited Doping Control Data is sometimes accessed if needed to complete the IO teams’ observations. You can find more information about IO programs here:

Running the RADO Testing Grant Program

Description Main Types of Personal Information Used

WADA gives grants to regional anti-doping organizations (RADO) so they can conduct more anti-doping tests. WADA monitors how this grant is used, from test planning through to results management, if relevant.

Helping ADOs with their Anti-Doping Programs

Description Main Types of Personal Information Used

WADA may help ADOs upon request. For example, if requested, WADA may help an ADO with their input of Doping Control Data into ADAMS or review an ADO’s test distribution plan. It is possible we could access Doping Control Data when providing this assistance.

There are also cases where ADOs have a right to access certain Doping Control Data, but they cannot access this information in ADAMS directly. For example, NADOs can test any athlete training in their territory, but might not have direct access to whereabouts for every athlete on its territory. WADA receives requests to share whereabouts with an ADO from time to time for this purpose. Another example is where an ADO needs Technical Data from ADAMS to assess a possible anti-doping rule violation, like a whereabouts failure. Major event organizations also need WADA’s help from time to time to access Doping Control Data to plan and conduct doping controls during events. 

To Conduct Testing and Investigations

Conducting Testing

Description Main Types of Personal Information Used

WADA can conduct anti-doping testing on our own initiative or as requested by another ADO. When we do this, we are the testing authority and we will usually collect Doping Control Data directly.

A privacy notice will be included in the doping control form athletes are asked to complete during the sample collection session. We may also take possession of samples collected by another ADO and have them re-tested, as part of a compliance or investigation process.

Conducting Investigations and Operating Confidential Source Program

Description Main Types of Personal Information Used

WADA can conduct investigations on its own initiative and runs its own confidential source program (Speak Up!) to collect intelligence. WADA may work with partners (ADOs, law enforcement, customs authorities, or other public authorities) or consult with external experts and advisors as part of an investigation.

We may use all types of Doping Control Data and Technical Data described in this Policy, on a case-by-case basis, to support WADA’s intelligence-gathering and investigations.

You can find more information about WADA’s investigative process and policies here:

You can find more information about WADA’s confidential source program here:

To Operate and Manage ADAMS


Description Main Types of Personal Information Used

We use your email addresses and Technical Data to send you important notices about your ADAMS account. For example, we will send you emails about important updates to ADAMS, or if we detect unusual activity in your account, like a log in from a new device or location.

User Support

Description Main Types of Personal Information Used

You and ADOs can send us a support request using the ADAMS Helpdesk. We will ask you to identify and describe your request and provide your email address so that we can respond to you. We may access Doping Control Data or Technical Data as needed to respond to your request.

Operating ADAMS

Description Main Types of Personal Information Used

ADAMS needs to collect and generate Technical Data to function. Specific features that need Technical Data to work include:

  • sending you push notifications if you enable them
  •  allowing you to transmit whereabouts updates via SMS
  • if you enable location features on Athlete Central, your GPS location is used and stored for a few seconds to provide you with nearby address suggestions as you complete your whereabouts

Technical Data are also needed to ensure security and verify user activity in ADAMS. For example, logs that show user activity in ADAMS allow us and ADOs to verify things like when whereabouts were updated.

Improving ADAMS

Description Main Types of Personal Information Used

We use aggregated Technical Data to measure and improve the performance of ADAMS. For example, crash reports from our mobile apps help us troubleshoot and resolve issues, should any arise, in the apps. See our Cookie policy below for more information on the collection of Technical Data using cookies and SDKs, and what we do with this data.

To Report on and Improve Anti-Doping Processes

For this category of activities, we use different types of Doping Control Data and Technical Data to analyze general interest matters and trends or create reports that don't identify individual athletes.

Generating Annual Reports

WADA publishes testing and anti-doping rule violation reports each year. These reports inform anti-doping efforts around the world and allow us to assess laboratory compliance. To create the reports, we combine Doping Control Data and remove personal identifiers to provide statistics about doping tests and ADRVs around the world.

Running the Monitoring Program

WADA also collects information from anti-doping laboratories about substances that are not prohibited in sport but are part of WADA’s monitoring program. WADA’s monitoring program helps detect patterns of misuse of substances in sport. Laboratories provide certain Doping Control Data to WADA for this purpose, like sample code and whether a sample has tested positive for a monitored substance. WADA then combines this coded Doping Control Data into statistics that do not identify individuals and provides reports to ADOs and other experts (at least annually).

Improving Anti-Doping

Part of WADA’s mission is to constantly improve the global anti-doping program to better ensure clean sport. This can involve using Doping Control Data or Technical Data, in a combined form to identify broader trends or issues. It can also involve consulting experts about a specific case for its scientific interest without using personal identifiers, like a sample analysis result or a biological passport.

For example:

  • our scientific team analyzes trends in therapeutic use exemptions or in the athlete biological passport to validate and improve these programs and the rules that govern them;
  • a biological passport graph with no identifiers or summary statistics could be shared with WADA’s ABP Working Group or ABP experts to discuss an emerging trend or specific scientific question;
  • a summary report regarding a specific analytical testing method could be shared with the Laboratory expert group for discussion and assessment.

Conducting Research

WADA supports and engages in scientific research to develop new or improved ways to detect doping. See the following page for a list of WADA-funded research projects: Scientific Research | World Anti Doping Agency (

Many research projects conduct their own data collection and do not involve WADA. But, if needed for an anti-doping research project, WADA may use Doping Control Data and Technical Data in a form that cannot be traced back to an individual athlete. This research data may then be shared with laboratories and third-party researchers to complete a WADA-funded research project or service. We require the research project or service, and any third-party researchers involved, to comply with internationally recognized ethical research principles and applicable law.


WADA and its service providers and advisors: ADAMS is hosted in Canada and operated and managed by WADA. Authorized WADA staff located at WADA’s headquarters in Montreal (Canada) or any of its Regional Offices may have access to ADAMS to the extent necessary to fulfil their duties.

WADA uses service providers and third-party software to operate and manage ADAMS. Examples include hosting services, intrusion and detection software, for ADAMS’ SMS-based features, and to communicate with users and manage user support. We also work with experts, advisors, and other anti-doping service providers in our anti-doping activities. Examples include legal, medical, investigative, and scientific experts and advisors, and sample collection agencies. We ensure service providers and expert advisors only have access to personal information if needed and are subject to statutory and/or contractual duties of confidentiality.

Where possible, we aim to keep personal information in Canada or another jurisdiction recognized for providing strong levels of data protection. Where a service provider, expert/advisor, or a Regional Office staff member handle personal information outside of these jurisdictions, we ensure they are subject to appropriate contractual or other safeguards and are responsible for ensuring similar controls are in place with any of their authorized subcontractors. Canadian (federal), Swiss (federal), Japanese and Uruguayan data protection and privacy laws have been deemed to provide adequate protection by a number of regional and national data protection agencies, as well as the European Commission.

Compliance with Law and Anti-Doping Investigations: In the event your personal information is transferred to another country, including Canada, it will be subject to the laws of that country and may be disclosed to or accessed by the courts, law enforcement, and other public authorities where required by law or compulsory legal process. WADA may also disclose your information to other organizations in the context of an investigation regarding a breach of an agreement or a contravention of law; to detect, suppress or prevent fraud; or to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim. WADA actively cooperates with law enforcement agencies and other authorities around the world to assist them in the detection, investigation or prosecution of a criminal offence or professional conduct rules as they relate to the prevention or suppression of doping activities and trafficking of doping substances. For more details about WADA’s investigative process and policies, click here.

Other organizations: Other organizations, like your national anti-doping organization or international federation, have access to your information in ADAMS for anti-doping purposes. If you have an ADAMS account, you can see a list of ADOs and third parties that have access to your information by going to the "Security" or "Organizations with access" tab of your profile. If you want to know more about how other organizations use ADAMS and how ADAMS works, see ADAMS Privacy and Security FAQs.


You may have rights under applicable laws and the International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information (ISPPPI), including rights to access, correct and/or delete your personal information, the right to oppose the processing of your personal information, and the right to lodge a complaint with your national data protection authority or to obtain other remedies with respect to unlawful processing of your personal information.

There are limits and exceptions to these rights. Most anti-doping processes are mandatory. So, if you refuse to take part, this can lead to an anti-doping rule violation (for example, under Article 2.3 – Evasion, Refusal or Failure to Submit to Sample Collection, 2.4 – Whereabouts Failure, or 2.5 – Tampering) or it could mean you cannot participate in sporting events. WADA and other ADOs may also refuse a request to withdraw consent or an objection to processing if the personal information at issue is needed by law or the Code and International Standards, for example, if it is necessary for an anti-doping investigation or proceeding, or to establish, exercise or defend against legal claims.

Contact us if you have questions or wish to exercise your rights. Where relevant, we will cooperate with the ADO that manages your ADAMS profile or biological passport (as applicable) in responding to your request.


We have adopted organizational, technical, physical and contractual measures designed to protect ADAMS and personal information against theft, loss, and unauthorized processing.

We restrict access to your personal information on a need-to-know basis to employees and authorized service providers or advisors who require access to fulfill their designated functions.

Before granting administrative rights to ADAMS to another ADO, a laboratory, or another third party, we require them to enter into a contract with us governing their use of ADAMS. Under the contract, these organizations commit to complying with their obligations under applicable data protection and privacy laws, as well as the Code and the International Standards (including the ISPPPI).  

To learn more about how responsibility for security in ADAMS is shared with ADOs and other organizations, review the response to How is your information protected in ADAMS? in our ADAMS Privacy and Security FAQs.


Personal information will be kept by WADA both in and outside of ADAMS in accordance with the criteria and retention periods set out in Article 10 and Annex A of the ISPPPI, unless it is needed for a longer period for the purpose of a pending or reasonably anticipated anti-doping rule violation, anti-doping investigation, or other legal requirement or proceeding.


At WADA, we use personal information for anti-doping purposes, as described in this Privacy Notice, the Code and International Standards.

We ask you to read this Privacy Policy when you log in to ADAMS to ensure you understand how we will process your personal information. Your ADO should also have told you about how they share your information with WADA. Where appropriate and in accordance with applicable law, we will consider that you consent to the processing described in this Privacy Policy when you accept its terms and/or the terms of the notices provided to you during sample collection sessions and by your ADO(s).

Where appropriate and in accordance with applicable laws, including anti-doping/sports statutes, we may rely on other legal authorities for this processing, like the need:

  • to provide you with the ADAMS features you request (such as whereabouts submission) and to improve these features;
  • to conduct investigations;
  • to comply with a legal obligation or compulsory legal process; or
  • to otherwise carry out anti-doping activities and protect clean athletes in accordance with the important public interests served by these activities.

The important public interests served by anti-doping have been recognized in a number of international and national legal instruments, like the International Convention against Doping in Sport, and include protecting athlete health and the intrinsic values and spirit of sport. 


If we make material changes to this Policy, we will ask you to review the terms and re-accept them when logging in to your ADAMS account. If you do not have an ADAMS account, the latest version of this Policy will be posted on the ADAMS Help Center.

In the event of any conflict between the English version of this Policy and a copy made available in another language, the English version will prevail.

If you have any questions about how we handle personal information, or have any complaints, please contact us at:


Address: World Anti-Doping Agency (Attn: Privacy)
               Stock Exchange Tower
               800 Place Victoria (Suite 1700)
               Montreal (Quebec), Canada
               H4Z 1B7

For contact information of the ADO(s) that has principle responsibility for your information in ADAMS, access the “Security” or Organizations with access” tab in ADAMS, and look for your custodian ADO, or, if you don’t have your own ADAMS account and don’t know who your custodian ADO is, contact the ADAMS team at


If you are not an athlete, but you use ADAMS or are subject to anti-doping rules, WADA may collect and use more limited personal information about you. See below for details. The information above under the following sections also applies to your personal information: Sharing of Your Personal Information; Your Rights; Safeguards; Retention; Lawful Processing; and Contact Us and Updates to this Policy.

If you are not an athlete, personal information about you in ADAMS will be limited to:

  • information that identifies you (for example, name and username);
  • your contact details (such as an email address);
  • your affiliation with an athlete or organization (for example, as a coach or agent to an athlete, or as an employee of an anti-doping organization or third-party provider); and
  • Technical Data, as described above.

Laboratory personnel, experts, and doctors providing diagnostic information in connection with therapeutic use exemptions may also be required to confirm their name and/or contact details when rendering professional opinions or performing other actions in connection with anti-doping processes (for example, to confirm the name of the laboratory professional that produced a test report).


We use non-athlete personal information for anti-doping purposes. This includes to:

  • open and administer ADAMS accounts;
  • operate and manage the platform, including ensuring its security;
  • ensure accountability for the opinions or results provided by laboratory staff and other professionals;
  • verify the integrity of anti-doping processes (for example, through records evidencing chains of custody);
  • conduct investigations into possible anti-doping rule violations or related proceedings; and
  • conduct anti-doping research or generate statistics, as described above.

You are responsible for the athlete personal information you upload to and process via ADAMS. This includes protecting its confidentiality, only using and sharing it for purposes permitted under the Code and International Standards, and otherwise complying with the International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information and any related policies of your organization. See the ADAMS Terms of Use for more details about your responsibilities as a non-athlete user of ADAMS.



A cookie is a small piece of data that a website stores on the website visitor’s computer or mobile device. To function, these cookies collect certain technical information about your device, such as the Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type and version, device type, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform. 

Cookies can be “first party” or “third party”. First-party cookies are cookies set by the operator of a website (e.g., the cookies WADA sets on its own website). Third-party cookies are cookies set by a party other than the operator of website you are visiting.

Cookies can also be “session” or “persistent”. Session cookies are temporary and expire once you close your browser (or once your session ends). Persistent cookies encompass all cookies that remain on your hard drive until you erase them or your browser does, depending on the cookie’s expiration date.

For mobile apps, Software Development Kits (SDKs) are used to perform similar functions to cookies. An SDK is a collection of software development tools that we use to provide features in the ADAMS mobile applications. Some SDKs are required for App software development. For example, the iOS SDK is required for any iOS Application.


We use our own cookies (first-party cookies) that are necessary for ADAMS to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. These cookies allow us to operate and manage ADAMS, such as identify your session and ensure the security of the connection. You can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies (see “Do I have to allow cookies/SDKs” below), but some parts of ADAMS will not work as a result.


We use third-party SDKs in Athlete Central and DCO Central for certain features to function. These are typically features you choose to enable when using the app, such as push notifications, location access permissions (to obtain nearby address suggestions), or permissions to complete your whereabouts using addresses saved in your address book. We also use functional cookies on the ADAMS Helpdesk for certain features to function or to remember you preferences when you use the site, like your language selection. 


We use third-party SDKs (Firebase Crashlytics by Google) to help us fix bugs and improve the performance of Athlete Central and DCO Central. We also use analytics cookies set by Google on the ADAMS Helpdesk to help us measure the use of our user support site and improve it. These SDKs and cookies collect Technical Data about users to prepare aggregated statistics of users’ activities. They allow us to count visits, understand why an app crash occurred, determine page speeds and resolution, understand what devices/browsers are used to access Athlete Central/DCO Central or the ADAMS Helpdesk, determine traffic sources (based on masked user IP addresses), and understand how users move around the mobile apps or the Helpdesk.

Please note that Google’s Crashlytics SDK is used by many organizations to track and fix mobile app crashes, and that Google uses the crash data from all of these sources for its own purposes. Google Analytics cookies are also used by organizations across the web, and Google uses analytics data for its own purposes. Based on this cross-site information, Google provides us with aggregate information about our Helpdesk users’ age, gender, and interests. For more information about Google’s use of this data, go to


Strictly necessary cookies are needed for you to move around ADAMS and use its features as you expect to. Because of this, strictly necessary cookies cannot be turned off.

The functional SDKs we use in the Athlete Central and DCO Central mobile applications are tied to specific features that you can enable or disable in the mobile app. The performance SDKs we use in Athlete Central and DCO Central are critical to ensuring we can understand and fix bugs or problems with the app when they happen. Please use the browser version of ADAMS and stop using our mobile applications if you do not want these performance SDKs on your mobile device.

For our use of cookies on the ADAMS Helpdesk, we use a cookie management solution called OneTrust, which you can use to reject non-essential cookies (like functional or performance/analytics cookies). You can review and adjust your settings at any time by clicking on the Cookie Settings button in the bottom of the webpage. 

Many web browsers also allow control over most cookies through the browser settings. If you want to set your cookie preferences through your browser, please visit your browser’s settings using or review the online instructions provided by the following browsers or review the online instructions provided by the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari Desktop, Safari Mobile; and Android Browser. Please note that if your browser then blocks strictly necessary cookies, some parts of ADAMS may not work properly.


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