If your custodian organization accepts SMS messaging for whereabouts updates in ADAMS, you can register and activate the SMS option on one or more mobile telephone numbers in your profile. To do this:

  1. Click My Profile, and then click edit in your Athlete Profile page.
  2. Under Contact Details & SMS set up, make sure your mobile telephone number is entered correctly; otherwise click add phone number, select the [Mobile] Phone type, and enter the Phone number (including country code) to be recorded for SMS service. 
  3. Save.
    Here are some examples of valid telephone number formats for SMS use (all phone numbers must start with the country code):
    - 1 514 555 1212 (North America)
    - 33 412 3456 (France)
    - 44 778 155 5666 (United Kingdom)
  4. Check the use SMS checkbox for the mobile telephone you wish to register for SMS service.
  5. Click activate .
    ADAMS will then send an SMS message containing a three-digit activation code as well as the phone number to be used for activation and future whereabouts updates.
  6. You should proceed with the activation via SMS with the three-digit code within 24 hours.  The activation instructions contained in the message will also de displayed on the your profile page until the process is complete.
  7. Once you have replied with the correct activation code you will receive an Activation Confirmed acknowledgement via SMS from ADAMS Whereabouts.
  8. The status Activated will be displayed in ADAMS next to the mobile telephone number you have successfully activated for SMS Whereabouts. At this time you may start sending Whereabouts updates to ADAMS via SMS.



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