What's New in November 2020?

  • The field "Equipment Manufacturer" is added in Doping control Form as a non-mandatory. It includes the following values: 
    • Berlinger - Switzerland
    • InnoVero - USA
    • Lockcon - Switzerland
    • Versapak - UK
      The field will become mandatory as of January 1st 2021.
  • Two new recommendations are available to APMU:
    • Athlete’s explanation provided to Expert panel
    • APF confirmed
  • As outlined in the revised ISTI, starting on 1 March 2020 (DCF date of date < 1 March 2020), the minimum volume of urine required for analysis will remain at 90 ml; however, if an athlete can provide 150 ml or more of urine, the minimum specific gravity measurement (using a refractometer) will be lowered to 1.003 or above instead of the current 1.005 or above.
  • When renewing a TUE, its medical files are automatically transferred from the expired form to the newly created one.
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