How to create a Doping Control Officer account?

DCO users with the following settings can log into DCO Central and ADAMS web to perform the following actions:

  • View the Testing Orders where they are confirmed as Lead DCO or as a participant
  • Create the Testing Order associated records:
    • Doping Control Forms
    • Athlete Refusals
    • Unsuccessful Attempts
    • DCO Reports
    • Chain of Custody
  • Create "Standalone" Tests
  • Create Athlete Profiles

User account setup:

  1. Login as an Organization administrator
  2. Go to User Account Management
  3. Click New user
  4. Enter the user name, email address, mobile number
  5. In the account info tab, select: 
      • User Type: "DCO"
      • Status: Active
      • Password: select a password as per requirements
      • Business role: "Default DCO". This role should only include the permission:
        • DCO: Yes
      • Athlete group: "All athletes".
  6. Save

Passwords should not be shared via email.

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