DCO users with the following settings can log into DCO Central and ADAMS web to perform the following actions:
- View the Testing Orders where they are confirmed as Lead DCO or as a participant
- Create the Testing Order associated records:
- Doping Control Forms
- Athlete Refusals
- Unsuccessful Attempts
- DCO Reports
- Chain of Custody
- Create "Standalone" Tests
- Create Athlete Profiles
User account setup:
- Login as an Organization administrator
- Go to User Account Management
- Click New user
- Enter the user name, email address, mobile number
- In the account info tab, select:
- User Type: "DCO"
- Status: Active
- Password: select a password as per requirements
- Business role: "Default DCO". This role should only include the permission:
- DCO: Yes
- Athlete group: "All athletes".
- Save
Passwords should not be shared via email.