Anti-Doping Organizations (ADO) can share the following records with other ADOs:

  1. Filtered per group of athletes:
    • Athlete Profiles within their whereabouts custody;
    • Whereabouts of athletes within their custody;
    • Doping Control Forms where the ADO is the TA/RMA or owner;
    • Hematological and Steroidal Passports (including APMU reports) within the Passport Custody of the source organization. (Not shared with the target organization APMU).
  2. Not filtered by athlete group:
    • Testing Orders where the source organization is either the Testing Authority or is the creator.


  1. Log in as an Organization Administrator
  2. Go to Source Organization Relationship
  3. Click Add
  4. Enter a Target Organization
  5. Start and End Date
  6. Select an Entity type
  7. Select a Group
  8. Save

To see which which records are shared with your organization, go to the Target Organization Relationship.


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