ADAMS sends notifications related to TUE in the following cases:


Notification Name Trigger Recipient
TUE notification TUE status is set to "Submitted". Sporting Organization (and its DTP) and Athlete
TUE notification TUE status is updated to "In process", "Incomplete", "Cancelled". Sporting Organization (and its DTP) and Athlete
TUE notification TUE status is set to "Approved"/"Rejected" Sporting Organization (and its DTP) , Athlete, Doctor, other Anti-Doping Organizations with access to the Athlete Profile and WADA
TUE notification Request for TUE recognition Recognizing ADO
TUE notification TUE recognized/not recognized Athlete, ADO with access to the Athlete Profile and WADA
TUE notification Sent 5, 2 days before the deadline for recognition as well as on the day of. Recognizing ADO
TUE Notification The access to an athlete diagnosis tab is granted to another ADO Athlete and target ADO
TUE Notification The access to an athlete diagnosis tab is automatically removed (42 days after its granted) Recognizing ADO and WADA



- ADO: Anti-Doping Organization

- DTP: Delegated Third Party with an active TUE contract with the ADO.

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