Therapeutic Use Exemptions can be approved by Anti-Doping Organizations provided that they have the permission named "TUE approver" within their user's business role.


To proceed:

  1. Login as an ADO user
  2. Within the quick search area, search for the athlete
  3. Within the athlete tree, at the bottom left corner of the screen, expand the TUE branch
  4. Select the TUE to approve. Its status must be In process
  5. Click Edit
  6. Verify or complete the following fields:
    1. Enter an Effective Date
    2. Change the status to Approved
    3. Acknowledge the translation summary warning
    4. Review and correct the information in the Authorizing Body  section
    5. Enter an Expiry date
    6. Ensure that the Athlete medical file is attached within the Add medical info section of the Diagnosis Information tab
  7. Save

Automatic notifications are sent to the Athlete (if he has an account), the Athlete Doctor, other relevant ADOs.


Note: According to article 6.3 or ISTUE 2021, an Athlete may not apply to more than one (1) Anti-Doping Organization for a TUE for the Use of the same Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method for the same medical condition.

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