1. Login as Administrator
    2. Go to User Account Management
    3. Click New User
      1. Complete the Firstname and Lastname
      2. Select the Gender
      3. Enter the user's e-mail address (validation will be required at the initial login)
      4. Within the "Account Info" tab:
        1. Select the user type "Team Manager"
        2. Enter a Username
        3. Enter a password twice. (Reset will be required at the initial login.)
        4. Set the Status to Active
        5. Do not select any group in the  "User can view records for athletes in the following groups" box
        6. Click the select button under the "Business Roles" box
          • Add the "Default Team Manager Role"
          • Click the save button on the Business Roles pop-up
        7. Click the select button under the "Notification Type" box
          • Add the appropriate Notification type
          • Click the save button on the Notification Type pop-up
      5. Within the "e-mail notifications" section, check the desired setting. You can opt for your organization's setting or explicitly 'always send e-mail' or 'never send e-mail' notifications.
    4. Click the Save button on the page.
    5. Login as an ADO user
    6. Click on the Groups Management link and select Whereabouts Team / Groups Management
    7. Click Create, in the new Group window:
      1. Enter the name  and description of the group you wish to create.
      2. Access list: list the users in your organization with access to the team.
        Public Access: indicates that all your organization users will have access to the group. It is recommended to select specific users.
      3. Sport discipline: indicate the sport/discipline of the Group
      4. Team manager: select the name of team manager. This user will be able to enter team whereabouts on behalf of the athlete.
        Note that if the athlete has an active account s/he will be notified of all team manager modifications and will be asked to accept or reject the entries. In any case if the athlete account is active a resubmission will be required.
      5. Click Save.


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