- In the "Search for Lab Results", enter a sample code;
- Click on the Sample code to view the Lab Result;
- Click Edit;
- Click add Substance;
- Select Class “S1.1 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS)”;
- Select Substance "19-norandrosterone";
- Select Estimated concentration of 19-NA (>, ≤)" from dropdown (mandatory for sample A);
- Select Presence of THNE, default value: No presence;
- Check GC/C/IRMS 19-NA 19-NE to enter the 19NA,19NE IRMS values;
- Enter the delta and uc value for 19-NA under TC;
- Enter the delta and uc value for 19-NE under TC;
- Enter the value of delta and uc for primary ERC under Endogenous Reference Compound;
- Enter the value of delta and uc for ERC2 under Endogenous Reference Compound;
- Enter 19NA/19NE ratio (optional, numeric);
- Select one or multiple Specific Comments;
- Save the lab Result;
- Click print analysis results record to print the ADAMS test report.