Steroidal APMU users have the following permissions in ADAMS:
- Search for steroidal passports based on the BPID of the Athlete to access the passport page that includes:
- Charts
- List of samples included in the passport with their variables
- Links to anonymous Doping Control Forms and associated Lab Results
- Link to APMU recommendations
- Update the validity of a DCF
- Assign experts to passport reviews
- Submit APMU recommendations
- Share documents with passport custodians and experts
To create the account:
- Login as accredited lab administrator
- Go to User account management
- Click New user
- Enter the First and Last name of the user
- Enter the email address
- Select the user type : Steroidal APMU
- Within the tab "account info" select:
- Enter a username
- Choose a random password
- Set the status to Active
- Business role : Default Steroidal APMU
The role includes the following permissions:- Steroidal Passport access
- Lab result: read only
- Lab result activity: read only
- Anonymous DCF read and write
- Passport expert report: read and write
- Assign the following notifications:
- T/E Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
- Lab confirmation procedure
- Steroidal Passport notification available
- A/T (M) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
- 5a/5b (M) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
- 5a/E (M) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
- A/Etio (M) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
- 5a/5b (F/X) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
- A/T (F/X) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
- 5a/E (F/X) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
- A/Etio (F/X) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
- Within the filter "Passport Custodian": either select a specific Anti-Doping Organization (ADO) to restrict the access or leave blank to allow access to all.
- Save