Steroidal APMU users have the following permissions in ADAMS:

  • Search for steroidal passports based on the BPID of the Athlete to access the passport page that includes:
    • Charts
    • List of samples included in the passport with their variables
    • Links to anonymous Doping Control Forms and associated Lab Results
    • Link to APMU recommendations
  • Update the validity of a DCF
  • Assign experts to passport reviews
  • Submit APMU recommendations
  • Share documents with passport custodians and experts


To create the account:

  1. Login as accredited lab administrator
  2. Go to User account management
  3. Click New user
    1. Enter the First and Last name of the user
    2. Enter the email address
    3. Select the user type : Steroidal APMU
    4. Within the tab "account info" select:
      1. Enter a username
      2. Choose a random password
      3. Set the status to Active
      4. Business role : Default Steroidal APMU
        The role includes the following permissions:
        • Steroidal Passport access
        • Lab result: read only
        • Lab result activity: read only
        • Anonymous DCF read and write
        • Passport expert report: read and write
      5. Assign the following notifications:
        • T/E Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
        • Lab confirmation procedure
        • Steroidal Passport notification available
          • A/T (M) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
          • 5a/5b (M) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
          • 5a/E (M) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
          • A/Etio (M) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
          • 5a/5b (F/X) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
          • A/T (F/X) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
          • 5a/E (F/X) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
          • A/Etio (F/X) Atypical Steroidal Passport notification
      6. Within the filter "Passport Custodian": either select a specific Anti-Doping Organization (ADO) to restrict the access or leave blank to allow access to all.
      7. Save

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