Adding LH-Analysis in Urine Lab Results

In the Urine lab Results the details regarding the LH-Analysis can be provided for all Sample AB:

  1. Login as a accredited lab user
  2. Search for a lab result
  3. Click Edit;
  4. Within the 'Analytical Finding' section, select a value of LH-Analysis: 
    • If Negative is selected, either the ‘Concentration (iU/L)’ or the ‘LOD (iU/L)’ can be entered or none. A value entered for the LOD implies that the "concentration of LH was less than this specified LOD'
    •  PAAF is selected:
      • ‘Concentration (iU/L)’ is mandatory when Specific Gravity <= 1.018.
      • Adjusted Concentration (SG > 1.018) (IU/L)” for LH Analysis is mandator if
        Specific Gravity > 1.018.If 
    • ATF is selected,
      • ‘Concentration (iU/L)’  is mandatory when Specific Gravity <= 1.018.
      • Adjusted Concentration (SG > 1.018) (IU/L)” for LH Analysis is mandator if
        Specific Gravity > 1.018.Snag_b004eccd.png
  5. Save
  6. Print PDF 
      • in the PDF Test report the LH-Analysis states Negative – below LOD. For a value entered in the 'concentration' the PDF Test report states Negative - xx IU/L for the LH-Analysis. If no values are entered in neither the 'Concentration' nor the 'LOD, the PDF Test report states Negative for the LH-Analysis.
      • When LH Results is PAAF and SG<=0.18 : the PDF Test report states xx IU/L for the LH-Analysis.
      • When LH Results is ATF and  SG<=0.18 : the PDF Test report states ATF - xx IU/L for the LH-Analysis.
  • Note: the input value for concentration or LOD has to be numeric: a positive integer or a number with 1 digit after decimal point. E.g. 3 , 2.0
  • Locked results: LH-Analysis details can be added on locked results if they didn’t exist before (existing details however can not be modified)
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