1. Log into ADAMS as an ADO user
  2. Search for the relevant athlete
  3. In the athlete tree located in the bottom right pane, click New
  4. Select Whereabouts Failure (WF)

  5. Select the failure type either filing failure or missed test
  6. Complete the Date of Whereabouts Failure
  7. Select the relevant value regarding the Administrative review requested by the athlete as well as its outcome
  8. Select the correct Status
  9. Enter: (information no longer mandatory as of 28 September 2023 but strongly recommended)
    1. Date of the unsuccessful test attempt;
    2. Date of the notification of apparent whereabouts failure;
    3. Date the Athlete provided the explanation;
    4. Date of the confirmation of the whereabouts failure;
    5. Date of the administrative review;
    6. Date of the decision of the administrative review;
    7. Date the notice with reason was provided.
  10. Save.
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