As of August 16, 2022:

  • Doping Control Form:
    • A new mandatory field "Date of Collection" is added to each sample of the DCF. This field is used for the calculation of the BSS.
    • Delegated Third Party users with an active "Result Management" contract can now access the matched result section in Doping Control Forms.
  • Doping Control Officers  (DCO) access rights:
    • Users that have only the DCO user type will no longer have access to the Athlete Quick Search.
      Organization administrators are invited to remove the user type "DCO" from the non relevant user accounts.
  • Therapeutic Use Exemption:
    • The issue with the gender displayed in the Application form was resolved.
  • Reports:
    • We have resolved the issue preventing Delegated Third Party users to view the analysis result data in the Sample Collection report.
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