- Login to ADAMS as an ADO business user
- Go to Testing Order Management
- Click Create Testing Order
- Follow the step-by-step instructions and complete the mandatory fields (with a green asterisk)
- Tab "Authorization": complete mandatory information
- Within the tab "Athlete and Analyses": either search for an athlete or add a placeholder then proceed to the selection of the analyses by clicking Add analyses to athletes.
On the next screen, add the athlete level, select the analyses and laboratories.
- The tab "Doping Control Personnel", add the sample collection personnel.
Note that the "Lead DCO" and "DCO" when its status is confirmed and received an ADAMS notification to access the Testing Order.
The lead DCO can assign tests within the Testing Order to the other Sample Collection Personnel of the mission.
- Tab "Authorization": complete mandatory information
- Click Save as draft
- Review the information, and click Issue to SCA to complete the form.