As of October 4, 2022
- Athlete Whereabouts update via SMS : The phone number to update athlete whereabouts via SMS was updated to +18192724278.
- Next Gen Testing Orders and Doping Control Forms:
- All users are now granted access to both Next Gen Testing Order and Doping Control Forms.
- We aim at decommissioning the Classic version of the forms by January 2023, please send all feedback to the ADAMS support.
- All links to Doping Control Forms will redirect users to the Next Gen Form
- Users can access Unsuccessful Attempt forms and download DCO reports completed in DCO Central via the Testing Order
- DCO Central:
- The lead DCO of a Testing Order will be able to share individual test with other sample collection personnel flagged as Testing Order participants
- Laboratory version of the Doping Control and Chain of Custody form will be sent in CSV format.