When a Lab user views a request for Long-Term Storage (LTS) analysis, a detailed window displays all relevant information about the sample and the LTS request. This window can help you track and manage the sample efficiently. The following information is available:
If LTS has been requested for the sample or not (Requested)
LTS request date
LTS location (Analyzing Laboratory or Storage Facility)
Storage end date
If the sample has been confirmed LTS by the Analyzing Laboratory or Storage Facility location (Stored)
Sample information
Collection date
Sample code
Sample type
Analyzing Laboratory short name and full name
Testing order code
DCF number
Result information
Date sample analyzed
Date results reported
Submission date
Test result
Analyses attributes
Test information
Sample Collection Authority (SCA) short name and full name
Results Management Authority (RMA) short name and full name
Testing Authority (TA) short name and full name